Here’s a capital-T Truth: You don’t have to spend so much, if at all, to have a great time with your date. There is a sense of fulfillment in spending nothing but gaining something valuable i.e. a very memorable experience and maybe the affection of your date. Sometimes all you need is your lover/crush, yourself, a simple activity, and the rest is noise. So we came up with 8 free activities you’d want to do together:
1. Volunteer Together
It feels different when you start serving other people while also serving each other. Find a cause you both care about. You can volunteer to teach children a skill (reading, writing, using computers, etc), help paint houses, pack relief goods beside each other, visit PGH or other public hospitals and do something for the patients, join a fundraiser event, prepare meals in a volunteer kitchen, and many others. There are several movements here in the PH (Gawad Kalinga, Habitat for Humanity, WWF, etc.) that are looking for volunteers for various activities so signing up should be no sweat.
2. Go for a Jog
Jogging with your music on is fun but jogging with your crush is even more fun. Sweaty, sure, but there is something about being physically active together that makes your bond tighter. At certain points, you can talk about how your lives are going and where you’re headed in life as you both are literally traversing paths. It’s therapeutic, try it.
3. Visit Galleries
Fun fact: galleries are always free. That is their difference with museums, which requires an entrance fee (exceptions are our National Museum and the Museum of Contemporary Art and Design; they’re free). There are a lot of galleries to choose from in the metro; favorites are Silverlens Gallery, Ateneo Art Gallery, Finale Art File, The Drawing Room, mo_space, Artinformal, and more. So go ahead, look at art, look at each other.
4. Look for Free Gigs
There are free gigs every month and finding them is one click away. Thanks to Facebook, you can easily search for event that are relevant to your interests. Your favorite local artist or band will surely have at least one free gig—that we assure you. Good music and good company, what more can you ask?
5. Photoshoot for Fun
Unleash your perfect IG girlfriend/boyfriend potential and take DP-quality photos of your date. This is a perfect time to show both your silly and fierce side. Fool-proof fun date. The ayala triangle gardens in makati, painted walls in BGC, and the busy binondo chinatown are some of the places you can try for a photoshoot. Yet again, even a parking lot can be the perfect venue with just a little creativity
6. Play Sports
It could be frisbee, volleyball, or soccer in the UP Sunken Garden—whatever it is, it’s always nice to engage in sports. Playing against each other or playing alongside each other against another team never makes for a dull date. Nothing feels better than feeling the adrenaline rush together.
9. Avail Gym Free Trials
Wanna gym with your date but you’re currently short on cash? Don’t worry, there’s plenty of free trials to go around! Check out this article for the list of gyms that let you avail free use of their equipments for up to 7 days:
10. Stargaze
The beauty of doing this with another person speaks for itself. Need I say more?
Bottomline: there is always something to do in this bustling city, and it doesn’t always involve cash. If you have other free date ideas, feel free to pitch in by sharing this post or commenting!
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