Ayala Malls Vertis North Monday Moviemates 2018


Ayala Malls Vertis North Monday Madness Promo Series: Monday Moviemates is back! Watch a movie at A-Giant Screen and A-Lux Screens with your officemate, co-worker or loved-one with a buy 1,
take 1 deal.

Ayala Malls Vertis North Monday Moviemates

All Mondays of July and August 2018
Ayala Malls Vertis North Cinema

1. The cinema buy one, take one promo is open to all employees and is available on All Mondays of July and August 2018.
2. To avail of the buy 1, take 1 cinema ticket for the movies mentioned above on their respective dates, customers must present their valid company or employee identification card (ID) at the cinema ticket counter.
3. Original ticket price of the movies above shall apply for one ticket. The other ticket for the same movie shall be free of charge.
4. Each Buy 1, Take 1 transaction includes only (1) free tumbler-sized popcorn and one (1) free bottle of water.

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