It’s February and love is in the air! We’re still a week shy from Valentine’s Day, but we’re bound to spot flowers being sold around the streets, Valentine’s decorations, social media posts and promos about where to spend the day. Meanwhile, If you’re single and ready or not to mingle, it’s just an ordinary day–and that’s okay! There’s no room to feel lonely and unhappy! If you’re figuring out how to go by this Valentine’s Day, here are a few suggestions.
Self love
Don’t worry if you don’t have someone to date on Vday; you always have yourself. If you’re feeling a little lonely, treat yourself to your favorite meal or focus on what you know will make yourself happy on that day(or any other day, really!). Remember that you don’t need someone to be truly happy on Valentine’s or any day because after all, self love is the most important type of love.
Girls Night Out
This one’s for the girls: It so happens that the 14th falls on a Wednesday! This calls for a weekday GNO with the beshies! You can hit up new restaurants around the metro, go for an unli wine spree, or on a dessert binge. The best relationships are those with your comfort and go to friends with the lovely company of delectable food.
Don’t Compare Yourself to Others
It will be unavoidable to see a lot of Valentine’s Day post on social media and that’s okay. Be happy for those who are in love. Them being in a relationship does not mean you’re anything less.
Participate on a Secret Valentine
Like Christmas, but in February! This Valentine’s, you and your pals can partake in a secret Valentine where you trade in flowers and chocolates with each other. You can even make it more competitive with a white elephant kind of secret valentine!
Gather Your Friends and Play Tinder Roulette
Swipe right, swipe left, swipe up, how about swipe it up together? Go on full Tinder mode these Valentine’s and who knows, maybe he / she might just be a few taps away?
Join a Workout Class
If you’re wondering what to do on a Wednesday, how about try out a new workout class? From cycling, to yoga, to Zumba, there are a lot of fitness communities out there. Do something out of the ordinary and you might just fall in love with a new hobby.
Treat Yourself on a Shopping Date
While the malls and restaurants will be filled with couples, make the most out of the stores and go on a shopping spree. If you’re lucky enough, it might even be on sale!
Check out Manila On Sale to stay tuned with latest discounts and promos around the metro!
Throw a Dinner Party
A small gathering with your very own home cooked meals or potluck, a dinner party with your best friends or even relatives isn’t such a bad idea on Valentine’s Day!
Have a Slumber Party
Face mask, catching up, wine, or even video games, sleepovers are fun for a reason. You will never feel lonely with an overnight get together and unlimited laughs in store all night.
Focus on all the great things in your life
Look around you and you will see that there is so much to be thankful for. Concentrate on giving more of your passion and time for those whether that’s your career, family, friends or support group—there’s always a lot of love to give.
Being single on Valentine’s Day doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy yourself too. Got any more recommendations on how to spend Valentine’s? Let us know!
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