Power Mac Center Expo: August 17-21, 2016



Power Mac Center Expo
August 17 6pm onwards
August 18-21 10am onwards
Mega Trade Hall 3, SM Megamall

Everything you love is at Power Mac Center’s 22nd Anniversary EXPO! Get up close and personal with Mac Engineers for free consultations and cleaning, and Apple Certified Trainers for app trainings. Discover amazing corporate and academic deals, and shop up to 90% OFF on your favorite products. You can even get the chance to be part of the Power Mac Center family! Mark your calendars and see you at SM Megatrade Hall. Doors open at 6PM on August 17 and 10AM from August 18 to 21. ‪#

Entrance is free but registration is required. Register online at https://goo.gl/GjSUHn. You will receive an email confirmation that will serve as your digital pass to our biggest sale. Please present the email together with a valid ID at the entrance of SM Megatrade Hall 3, and proceed to the Pre-Registered Lane.

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